Ben Myers
Huntsman Cancer Institute
Department of Oncological Sciences
University of Utah School of Medicine

email: benjamin (dot) myers (at) hci (dot) utah (dot) edu.

Our lab is located on the 5th floor of
HCI-Research North
Office: Rm 5343, phone #: 801.213.6246
Lab: Rm 5210
Visitor parking is located in the HCI Terrace parking lot adjacent to the cancer center.

Postdoctoral fellows:
Prospective postdoctoral fellows should 
email Ben directly, including a cover letter, CV, and list of references.

Graduate students:
Our lab is affiliated with the
Molecular Biology (MB)Biological Chemistry (BC), and Bioengineering Graduate Programs at the University of Utah.  Email Ben about rotation possibilities. 

Undergraduates and postbac students
Prospective undergraduate and postbac researchers should
email Ben to discuss research opportunities in the Myers lab.